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'I absolutely loved working in Coimbra! I found the city warm, welcoming and beautiful. It felt like such a hidden treasure of a city, and I can't wait to return.'


Mark Arnold - Actor


'Working on Anamorphosis was one of those special experiences that come along every once in a while. Always when you least expect them. To find myself in beautiful Coimbra working with our talented team on this project to which every single one of us was totally committed was really the definition of movie making magic.'


Todd Boyce - Actor

'Coimbra is a hidden gem of Europe - a great place to film and explore. The cast and crew were very good natured and hard working. 
This ambitious production company seems determined to frighten us all out of our wits and I think it is destined for success.'


John Guerrasio - Actor

' I recently worked on Haunted House's Picture Studios film "Anamorphosis" and it was one of the absolutely most wonderful experiences of my acting career and one that I will treasure. the film's director Ilyas Kaduji was so easy to work with so open to suggestions from the actors and I always felt completely relaxed onset due to this. 
In addition, it was clear he had picked an exceptionally strong, talented group of actors for this film, which is obviously essential to any project being successful.
Not only the director, but the whole production team were a sheer joy to work with. Every single member of the production office and crew were 100% totally committed, and gave so much of themselves to make the  project as excellent as possible. Not only was everybody wonderful to work with as colleagues, but they were also the sort of people I would value greatly
as friends as well.

The producer Mafalda Sa and her whole production team looked after me marvelously. The hotel was exceptionally comfortable and even though the hours working on the shoot were often very long we were catered for so well that it really helped to be able to relax and recharge one's batteries.
I would be only too delighted to work with Haunted House Picture Studios again many times in the future and I am so looking forward to seeing Anamorphosis when it is eventually completed.'
Philip Rosch - Actor

'Coming to Coimbra to film Anamorphosis was my first encounter with the city. I count myself fortunate to have had such a valuable experience as the city is rich with history and customs that I thoroughly enjoyed learning about.

The crew were top notch in making me feel welcome and sharing their wealth of knowledge of the city.

The locations for the film took my breath away with its grandeur. I can't wait to see the film when it is finished as so much love and hard work was poured into this project by every person who was involved. I look forward to returning to visit all my new friends and enjoy the charming city streets once more.'


Liz McMullen - Actress

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